
The Gringo Times welcomes contributions from its readers. If you would like to write an article about anything to do with living in the area, or your experiences, we'd like to hear it. If it is suitable, we'll include it in a future edition of the Gringo Times.

"Get your name in print and become FAMOUS!"

Things you could submit include recipes, poems, announcements, experiences, articles, photos.

You could write under your own name, or make up a pseudonym and keep your friends guessing! This is your chance to get your writings in front of thousands of people around the world!

Anything submitted must be your own work and be free from any copyright encumbrances. Obviously, adverts masquerading as articles will not be accepted. We reserve the right to refuse to publish anything we deem unsuitable for whatever reason. By submitting an article or anthing else you are agreeing to give the Gringo Times the right to publish the submission in part or in whole in the newspaper and on the website.

Email us to submit your article